The Ws at Home

Posted On February 28, 2009

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When Number Two went to Kid Connection on a Saturday we always used to take the opportunity to go out and do something, preferably, that Number two couldn’t deal with – like visit the movies. But we were all home today minus Number Two for a good stretch, and so I challenged Mr W and Miss W to a game of Scrabble which was quite saintly of me really because they both have quite a cut throat, competitive attitude, especially Mr W who can take forever when his turn comes around considering which move will make the most sense, how he can get the most points etc.

Number Two

Number Two

That’s probably why he always wins, which he did today, and his mood is much improved after his Scrabble triumph. However his foot turned dark purple and swelled up this afternoon so he’s had to elevate it again.



preparing the soil for the carnivorous plants

preparing the soil for the carnivorous plants

the elusive Gary, snapped by number one this afternoon

the elusive Gary, snapped by number one this afternoon

Then Miss W set up the terrarium we bought her for her birthday last year. If everything goes as planned it should have all sorts of carnivorous plants growing in it soon, she’s always been fascinated by Venus Fly Traps. It’s a very mild, sunny day today and Number One went outside for a bit. He’s interested in the cats that skulk around next door. There are a massive number of cats living in the trailer park, many of which are feral. Some are friendly strays who pop into homes to eat and then go on their way (like Cloudy). Gary is a feral cat who hangs around next door, eats Cloudy’s food when we place it on the porch, flirts with Cloudy, and is terrified of humans. It’s difficult to get within a few feet of him. The children have named him Gary which I think rather suits him as he looks so scruffy and disreputable. A mass spaying/neutering is being organized in a few weeks time, which ahs to be a good thing because every year there are so many litters of kittens which always seems to result in lots of pleading from the children, there also seem to be some dead kittens lying around too which makes them upset.

So that has been about it today, house smells nice at the moment because of the meatballs in the crockpot, chatted with #1 daughter and also spoke to a realtor in Sioux City as I think we might be able to get funding for a home there. It’s still a big ‘might’ but we desperately need a home that feels more permanent and schools that work for the children. Haven’t talked about it much because Miss W is very unhappy at the thought of leaving Cloudy behind.