The Ws at Home

Posted On February 28, 2009

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When Number Two went to Kid Connection on a Saturday we always used to take the opportunity to go out and do something, preferably, that Number two couldn’t deal with – like visit the movies. But we were all home today minus Number Two for a good stretch, and so I challenged Mr W and Miss W to a game of Scrabble which was quite saintly of me really because they both have quite a cut throat, competitive attitude, especially Mr W who can take forever when his turn comes around considering which move will make the most sense, how he can get the most points etc.

Number Two

Number Two

That’s probably why he always wins, which he did today, and his mood is much improved after his Scrabble triumph. However his foot turned dark purple and swelled up this afternoon so he’s had to elevate it again.



preparing the soil for the carnivorous plants

preparing the soil for the carnivorous plants

the elusive Gary, snapped by number one this afternoon

the elusive Gary, snapped by number one this afternoon

Then Miss W set up the terrarium we bought her for her birthday last year. If everything goes as planned it should have all sorts of carnivorous plants growing in it soon, she’s always been fascinated by Venus Fly Traps. It’s a very mild, sunny day today and Number One went outside for a bit. He’s interested in the cats that skulk around next door. There are a massive number of cats living in the trailer park, many of which are feral. Some are friendly strays who pop into homes to eat and then go on their way (like Cloudy). Gary is a feral cat who hangs around next door, eats Cloudy’s food when we place it on the porch, flirts with Cloudy, and is terrified of humans. It’s difficult to get within a few feet of him. The children have named him Gary which I think rather suits him as he looks so scruffy and disreputable. A mass spaying/neutering is being organized in a few weeks time, which ahs to be a good thing because every year there are so many litters of kittens which always seems to result in lots of pleading from the children, there also seem to be some dead kittens lying around too which makes them upset.

So that has been about it today, house smells nice at the moment because of the meatballs in the crockpot, chatted with #1 daughter and also spoke to a realtor in Sioux City as I think we might be able to get funding for a home there. It’s still a big ‘might’ but we desperately need a home that feels more permanent and schools that work for the children. Haven’t talked about it much because Miss W is very unhappy at the thought of leaving Cloudy behind.

A Roly Poly Habitat

Posted On February 28, 2009

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Well, this is one of those weeks I am glad to say bye to. At #1 Daughter’s urging yesterday I drank two cups of Peter Gillham’s “natural calm plus calcium” which is a natural remedy for stress, a white powder you dissolve in hot water. So instead of having coffee I had this – and it did seem to work. I slept all through the night.

A therapist came out yesterday to see Mr W and watched him walk around, showed him how to use the shower chair, showed him some exercises to help build up his arm strength. Mr W very grumpy now, says not being allowed to drive for 6 months is like a prison sentence.

After the therapist left yesterday and Mr W had retreated to simmer I cracked on with the latest short story – it took me until just after 2 but I managed to finish it and send it off by email, it’s been such a boon that 4 of the mags that I regular submit to take email submissions. Currently they are acquiring stuff for their June issues, so ‘Always the Bridemaid’ was a wedding story, and then in bed last night (Pajamas, cardigan, dressing gown, socks, hot water botttle, quilt, extra blanket) I did about 300 words of a Father’s Day story. In spite of all the interruptions and angst I’ve not done too terribly this month with the writing – sold 2 and subbed 3, 1 rejection. The money it brings in is a bit of a trickle to what we need, unless I manage to get lucky and sell about 5 in a single month.

Miss W was lovely and bubbly yesterday, she’s all enthused about making a ‘roly poly habitat’ – roly polies are woodlice. She’s been doing a project on them at school and I’ve learned all about how they breathe through gills. Another enthusiasm is classical music, it’s quite serene in her bedroom with classical music burbling out of her radio and her dreamcatchers on the ceiling. She still loves to listen to Mars – Bringer of War quite loudly though, which has not helped with my stress!

Am not crazy about the idea of having woodlice in the house remembering the time the ants in her ant city escaped, but I don’t want to squash her enthusiasm.

A layer of damp soil, which the roly polies will appreciate

A layer of damp soil, which the roly polies will appreciate

unfortunately it has sprung a slight leak. . .

unfortunately it has sprung a slight leak. . .

Que Sera Sera

Posted On February 27, 2009

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Mr W has had a new cast put on his foot. He went to the doctor’s yesterday and the old one was removed to reveal a very sore and swollen foot (he’d been putting weight on it) and it was replaced with a very rigid cast. He also got a new pair of crutches, which are apparently sized correctly. The new cast must stay on for a month.

It seems more difficult for Mr W to get around now, and he had a fall, just a little one, whilst getting down the steps outside the house this morning. He just lost his footing for a  moment, luckily I was right behind.  He was on his way to the neurologist, and the news today was that he cannot drive  until the end of July – by which time a whole 6 months will have passed since his seizure. This has plunged me into worry, because I don’t now how i’ll get to work. I’m working on getting my driver’s license, yes, but I don’t know how much longer it will take and I got really frightened today out on a busy road. I felt like I was irritating other motorists by not going fast enough, and  someone overtook me honking their horn and I was mortified.

So for much of today, in spite of promising myself yesterday I was going to adopt a more ‘que sera sera’ attitude to life, I was worried sick. Number One got into trouble at school for telling a teacher to shut up, and I felt too agitated to get much writing done. Mr W and I have been talking again about moving to Sioux City, which we do from time to time, and i’m not sure if it will ever amount to more than talk. The advantages would be  -1. decent schools for the kids (I’ve heard very positive things about the schools in Iowa.  Miss W and Number One are currently attending  the poorest rated schools in our district) 2. being able to afford a house, which we can’t here.

But there seem to be massive roadblocks in the way, and the immediate one is that Mr W is in no shape to get moving anywhere, he really just needs to rest and get better. And of course, in the current economic climate, I’m not at all sure what jobs would be available in Sioux City.

Have to try and stop worrying  for a bit tomorrow because  I’m trying to meet a  deadline. I’ve got a wedding story to finish, and  a Father’s Day story to get written by March 10th.  Think I’ll try to keep humming ‘que sera sera’ .

Cloudy dropped by for lunch and a snooze

Cloudy dropped by for lunch and a snooze

It’s Over

Posted On February 25, 2009

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Mr W took a call from the Challenge people today and they said they’d decided against awarding Miss W a scholarship.  They were concerned that we lived too far away and wouldn’t be able to  manage the long  journeys back and forth each day, and were also concerned  about Mr W’s  seizure and  the way we currently lack transportation. So after more than a year of tests, appointments and Miss W generally leaping through hoops, it’s over.

Mr W told Miss W when she arrived home from school and she took it brilliantly – much better than we did! This would have been a great opportunity for Miss W, but I can’t help thinking having Miss W would have been an even greater opportunity for St Mary’s Academy. So this is their loss. Spoke to Miss W tonight and told her if she works hard she can still go to college, still get a full scholarship even. She said she knew this.

I won’t pretend it wasn’t quite sombre around here today, but I’m trying to remember that the end of this chance means that other doors will come popping open for us, and they’ll probably lead to wonderful things.

Miss W's picture of the sky

Miss W's picture of the sky

Onwards and upwards: Miss W tonight

Onwards and upwards: Miss W tonight

Lemon Pudding Cake Disaster

Posted On February 24, 2009

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I sold a story today, my first sale of the year, which isn’t brilliant considering it’s the end of February already. But this felt good, as it was one of my rejection stories – and after it came back I sent it off to another editor. I managed some writing today (wedding story) but it was panic stations this afternoon when I realized Mr W had an appointment – a therapist coming to the house, and his one and only pair of sweat pants (that fit over his cast) were in the wash. He was in just a shirt and boxers, so I had to quickly get the sweatpants dry, which I did with about 30 seconds to spare.

The therapist said our shower was really not a good one for Mr W to shower in and recommended he ask the VA to loan us a special chair he can place in the shower. She also said he was placing weight on his foot, which he isn’t supposed to do. Have mentioned this to Mr W numerous times. I think he’s just so tired of walking around with the crutches he’s trying to prove he doesn’t need them. But he had some pain today, wish he’d do as he was told.

my unspectacular lemon pudding cake

my unspectacular lemon pudding cake

Number Two played with the piggy banks while I made dessert.

Number Two played with the piggy banks while I made dessert.

Someone had given me a lemon which I knew would end up being thrown out so after supper (tater tot casserole, which smelled so good I broke my rule of never eating food cooked with Campbell’s soup) I bravely decided to try and make a lemon pudding cake. These rarely come out well for me – they are supposed to be very light and fluffy sponges, with a lemon sauce underneath. Well, mine never have a sauce they are just mushy underneath. I tried very hard with this one – managed to squeeze out lots of juice from the lemon, beat the egg whites well and folded them in very carefully. It made no difference, the cake was indifferent, even Number Two wasn’t interested and he loves sweet things. Miss W gave hers to Number One, and he left his saying it looked like scrambled eggs gone wrong. I don’t think i’ll be trying this again. He was right – it DID look like scrambled eggs.

55 Word Stories

Posted On February 23, 2009

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Reading 55 Word short Stories

Reading 55 Word short Stories

More nightmarish goings-on this morning when the washing machine leaked all over the floor yet again. In despair, I called my mother and when Mr W realized how fed up I was he called his brother-in-law, who promised to come over a few hours later. Meanwhile the carpet was absolutely squelching, which I think Number Two really enjoyed as he kept tramping across it, looking fascinated.

Number One got on the computer and started looking on Craig’s List for a potential car for me, but kept urging me to buy a roadster or sportscar. We ended up having some fun though – I love old 1940s pickup trucks, Number One likes Chryslers, so my misery gradually melted away and I started making the cottage pie (ground beef, fresh tomatoes, baked beans, seasoning, mashed potatoes with cheese on top) and then brother-in-law arrived and got to work.

I’d apparently been ramming the connector hose in well, but neglected to pinch together the wire thing on the end, which wasn’t there for decorative purposes after all. Brother-in-law pinched it in with his trusty pliers and shoved the washing machine back in place for me, advised me to run a fan over the carpet. I’ve been doing that all day, and it’s gone from squelching, to sopping, to wet. I hope it will be just damp by morning. Then brother-in-law wanted to show me and Number One his Craig’s List finds. Advised me to steer clear of GM cars. I’m not sure whether I’m at the right point to buy a car, but it would be nice to have something of my own to practice in.

Number Two was like a boy raised by wolves today – calm and cheerful as long as he was naked and leaping around. We had the cottage pie, then a pie (white chocolate cherry dream) I bought from Village Inn yesterday, and then I suggested the children write some 55 word stories. Miss W read some of the book Number One had brought home and was very inspired, and even Mr W had a go. . . . I don’t think Number One’s is 55 words long, though.


Lark aimed his sniper out the window and shot.
Another beautiful bounty had been caught. Turning to his wife he said, “And that, my love, is how you kill a wolf.”
A rustle. A groan. A violent splatter of blood and horrible screams. And the plane went down as three white wolves howled.


He watched spellbound for hour on hour. But time meant nothing as he sat riveted, reveling in the joy that enveloped him like a toasty electric blanket on one of those frigid rocky mountain front range evenings. On cue, his joy plummeted once again.
“Why did they have to cancel Third Rock From the Sun?”


Lisa wasn’t sure the grey shiny swimsuit was right for her figure, but the saleslady insisted they were all the rage. Later, swimming lazily in the ocean, she forgot all her worries. Suddenly she heard a speeding craft, excited voices, and something stabbed into her side. Lisa reached around and pulled. It was a harpoon.

DATING by Number One

The silence was deafening. He took out a pistol and shoved it in his mouth. No one would ever answer his ad anyway. He pulled the trigger. Blood sprayed.
The phone rang.
“Hi,” a female voice said. “My name is Tamara. I saw your ad and you seem like my kind of guy…”


“Flush the toilet five times before bedtime or it’s the end of the world!”

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder had taken over Dad’s life. Sadly, Katie left the hospital.

That night a sound woke her. She stared from the bedroom window, struggling to comprehend. A great, grey mushroom cloud was ballooning in the  sky, obscuring the stars.

Beam Me Up, Scotty

Posted On February 22, 2009

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Hideous day. Mr W’s sister was arriving this morning to take us on some errands in town, when I realized I’d lost a library DVD – or rather Number Two had probably tossed it somewhere. I had to give up looking when Peggy arrived for Number Two and then me, Mr W and Number One left with Mr W’s sister. In between the PO, library and SuperTarget for groceries we had lunch at Village Inn. I ordered the egg and bacon croissant with fresh fruit which was really nice, Number Two ordered pecan pancakes AND strawberry pancakes, then ran out of room. Mr W managed to eat, but has not been very well – is shaking badly now, and was exhausted by the time we reached home after shopping at Super Target’s. He used one of those little carts for people with disabilities, but it wasn’t very efficient and I could tell he was getting frustrated as it kept beeping and refusing to do as it was told. He also had his hair cut, at his sister’s insistence – and it did make a big improvement.

After we got home I unpacked the groceries and Mr W took Number Two for a short drive before saying her goodbyes and then I resumed the search for the missing DVD. Searched all behind the TV and then the woodstove, finally realized I’d have to search behind the washing machine. I had to drag out the machine and there was an INCREDIBLE amount of stuff behind it – dried up toast crusts, toys, the potato masher, loads of undies and gloves and pieces of trash Number Two had appropriated. Cleaned and sorted all this and then reattached the cord that had popped out of the back of the machine and started a wash consisting of all the odd socks, goves and undies that I’d pulled out. No missing DVD though.

Called Mr W’s brother-in-law, who’s been looking on Craig’s List for a car for me, and he told me about some promising vehicles that were on sale, including a 2003 Kia whith just 65,000 miles. Got off phone, and Number One said to me casually, “hey, Mom, the washing machine has sprung a leak.”

Walked through the kitchen to discover about 50 gallons of water over the floor. Was trying to mop it all up and reattach the cord, because water was still merrily gushing everywhere, and I did start crying and shouting, and then Mr W came out to see what was going on and started swearing, so I told him to go and sit down. Reattached cord and knew I was too stressed to cook the cottage pie I’d been planning for the evening. Number Two fetched me some towels to try and soak up the mess and I threw some chicken wings and zesty chips into the oven and about 10 minutes later there was a sound a bit like a dam bursting and another 50 gallons of water gushed all over the floor.

Horrible day, and I

Sopping wet towels laid out over sopping wet carpet

Sopping wet towels laid out over sopping wet carpet

Pictures fail to convey the true horror of the situation

Pictures fail to convey the true horror of the situation

‘m still shaking a bit. Feel like I’ve been brutally assaulted. We’re going to need to replace the (already hideously ugly brown flowery) carpet as well as buy a car. I desperately need to write a best selling novel.

Lesson Number 3

Posted On February 21, 2009

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There were fewer butterflies in my stomach this morning, I’m glad to say. Mr and Mrs C arrived and I suggested a nearby road, which is very quiet but with some traffic, might be good for practising on. Mr C started me out, and then I took over, driving past the meadowy area where me and Mr W often see deer, then turning left. There are fields on either side here, and I encountered a bit of traffic, a car first, then we came to an area where some work was being done and huge trucks were bearing down on us. Found this absolutely terrifying at first.

“What are you going to do?” Mr C asked.

“Stay on my side of the road,” I whimpered.

There were times today when I forgot to indicate and went whizzing too fast around corners, but  was so happy to be passing traffic without fainting in terror. It was sunny and so beautiful all around us and I felt so happy and exhilarated. I have been thrilled all day today.  Saying ‘thank you’ to Mr and Mrs C seems so inadequate. I am quite gobsmacked at their goodness, at how they have just seen that I need help and without any fuss or fanfare got busy helping. There aren’t many people like them in the world.

Mr W’s niece is selling her car and we might get it for me, Mr W will drive his brother’s Dodge van. I thought that  could drive myself half way to work initially (along the quiet road where we see the deer) and then let Mr W take over when it gets busier. I think he was a bit sick of me droning on about my driving today. We went for a short walk when I got back but he seemed tired out and hasn’t wanted any supper. Children all well, and miraculously no arguing tonight – after I complained to best friend this afternoon how that was all they ever did! I managed to complete my story for True Love this afternoon, so can send that off as soon as I’ve had one last read through. I feel like I’ve been working on it forever so it was a huge relief to finish it.100_0327

Yesterday Number One brought home a book from school he thought I’d like – The World’s Shortest Stories. It contains several short stories, all exactly 55 words long. He’s right, I do like it, the stories make really compulsive reading and I’m going to challenge him to write some of his own exactly 55 words long.

Miss  W  has been listening to lots of  classical music on public radio since her visit to see the Colorado Symphony Orchestra.  She’s just finished reading The Twits and is still very angry with Sarah Palin.

Call of the Wild

Posted On February 19, 2009

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Horrible morning. Highlights include Number Two cracking an egg over the kitchen counter and then while I was cleaning up the mess going off to run a scalding hot bath for reasons known only to himself. I was quivering by the time I bundled him onto the bus and could manage only a very weak smile when urged to ‘have a nice day!’

Miss W had announced that her room was mouldy and a quick investigation on my part revealed that she did indeed have a mouldy old wooden art box in her closet, along with a massive mess which I realized I’d have to deal with this morning. As I cleaned I felt quite discouraged – so much for writing today. But I did make quite a change in her room (found new home for beanie babies, got the books arranged on her dresser, threw out vast amounts of paper and  plastic) – then was desperate for a shower, then

"It's a hundred years old!"

"It's a hundred years old!"

Old Books

Old Books

Nurse Bob arrived. He joined me in being irritated with Mr W for declining the services of a physical therapist. Mr W is doing well, but still needs exercises to build muscle tone and strength.

I did manage to do some writing after all this afternoon, after taking Mr W for a walk and lunch. He watched Gunsmoke (or some old western TV show) while I tried to finish the story I’ve been working on for about 3 weeks. I’ve summer-themed it, and plan to sub it by email. I haven’t quite finished, but have managed about 1200 words. Will shampoo Mr W’s hair after supper.

Miss W was perusing the bookshelf before school this morning when she found a very old copy of The Call of the Wild. “Oh, look!” she said. “I didn’t know it was such an old book – it’s really good!”

She read Call of the Wild last summer and loved it. I told her that kids have enjoyed animal stories for a long time, and this copy may very well have been enjoyed by her great-great grandmother. All the pages were loose and brown with age and sadly, the illustrated plate on the cover so faded there’s nothing there anymore. After she’d left I found myself looking at the books. . . Joyce of the North Woods, Marjorie’s Maytime, The Winning of Barbara Worth. It’s impossible not to wonder who read and enjoyed these books a long time ago.

A Run in with the Law

Posted On February 19, 2009

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I had butterflies in my stomach this morning because Mr and Mrs C (coworker and hubby) were arriving to give me a driving lesson. Number One’s advice to me before he left to catch his bus was to try not to kill anyone.

Something I have found is that thinking about driving is much worse than the actual driving itself. We went to a very quiet road around a storage facility – quite long stretches where I could practice just driving up and down, turning, steering and reversing. It did seem quite difficult at first, but then less and less so. Mr C placed a cone in the road to guide my turn, but unfortunately this drew the ire of a policeman. I stopped to tell him what the cone was for and looking irritated he emerged from his car and swaggered over, peering in at me through the window in a suspicious manner. He had a horrible, bristly moustache growing over his lips.

“Well,” he said nastily, “after seeing the way you just drove  up I have no faith in your ability to be on the road.”

“Was I really that bad?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said.

I rather wanted to just go on my way after this incident but Mr C made me turn then go back past him again, which I see now was the best thing to do, and then vile policeman went away which was a huge relief. Mr and Mrs  C urged me to ignore his comment, and I have been trying to  take their advice. I know that during this session – although I didn’t do exactly great – my confidence did increase and I now won’t be quite as nervous about driving again. For the first time ever, I thought, well, maybe I can do this.

Number Two was determined to be in the Nuddy Pants  when he got back from school and after wrestling him back into his jeans twice I gave up (it was nearly bath time anyway) and I just caught up with my journal and did some knitting at my desk.  Mr W was having a rest. The nurse is visiting tomorrow and I hope he’ll be able to retape up the bandage that’s coming unravelled around Mr W’s foot, it’s a hazard. Also need to arrange for therapist to come out, after Mr W decided to cancel her!

A quiet moment at my desk

A quiet moment at my desk

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