My Learner’s Permit

Posted On February 4, 2009

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I got my learner’s permit yesterday. I missed 4 questions on a 25 question test, then was photographed and given a temporary document until the permanent one arrives in the post. I had TWO vision tests because I seemed to confuse everyone by whipping my glasses on and off – I do need them for reading, but have to admit that lately everything seems easier with them on. In the second test they gave me a slightly smaller line of letters to read and all I could see was a blotch, a squiggle, a smear and a smudge.  I had to admit I couldn’t read ths line and the examiner said wearily “put your glasses on, hon,” and I did and thank goodness they then gave me the permit.

Coworker’s hubby was lovely and supportive and took me for lunch and then for a nail-biting driving lesson around a deserted church parking lot. I’m not sure how I did – I was nervous, and it all seemed quite frightening making a car move, but I did manage to manoevre the car into position for parking and not smash into anything, so I was flushed with success yesterday.

Today started off well – there was a knock on the door and it was a little girl announcing that she was in Science Skill Builders also – could Miss W go with her? Number T

Loading the dishwasher

Loading the dishwasher

wo was so sweet, after he finished breakfast he brought his plate to the dishwasher and started loading it, along with some other bits and pieces on the counter! Then after Number Two left I plunged into some housework and was unblocking the loo when the phone rang and it was nice coworker offering her hubby’s services in getting me to work, so of course I said yes and then  leapt around getting ready.

I was only there until 3 but I felt completely stressed by the time I came home and was making supper and Number Two started being a handful. I know he was tired – he’d been dozing on the school bus – but he was absolutely insistent that we get out, so off we went. It was dusk, and a flock of geese were honking up in the sky, flapping across the moon as we went to fetch  the post.  Unfortunately Number Two started his shenanigans as soon as we came back, and I then felt  further worry tonight at the news that Mr W is going to be in rehab for several weeks, there’s no saying when he’ll be out, he’s on seizure medicine (after they told me he didn’t have a seizure). Then  coworker called to ask  if I wanted to go to work again tomorrow and of course, yes I must, but I’ll be exhausted again by  4 and dealing with Number Two –  groan!

The writing has come to a standstill over the past few days. I’ve got one in progress for New Love Stories and another one on the go and have no idea when I’ll complete them. I haven’t sold anything since December 27th.